
Resource Management

Sound and efficient natural resources management is still a major issue for both public and private organizations. Our experts develop research projects in sectors that are as diverse as precision agriculture, forestry and maritime. The knowledge developed in geographical positioning, cartography, airborne data acquisition and remote sensing enable our team to implement innovative processes in this field.

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Environmental Monitoring

In today’s world, geomatics tools, when applied to the environment and sustainable development, are an effective means of ensuring that natural environments are protected and the biodiversity maintained. Our team can perform natural resource characterization, plant epidemiological monitoring and contaminant plume analysis through data analysis and management. Therefore, geomatics covers environmental issues with a territorial or spatial component.

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Transport and Logistics

Transport is a field in which geomatics can provide a panoply of benefits. Technological advances such as intelligent transportation systems (ITS) offer decision-makers the opportunity to transform how their road and highway networks are managed and operated. They can be used for adaptive traffic control, transit operation, commercial vehicle operations or fleet management. Our team’s expertise has been developed over the years and makes it possible to effectively support organizations that want to implement best practices in transport management.

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Tourism and Recreation

Our team creates real-time tracking applications for major sporting events or dynamic tourist routes. These cartographic interfaces display the position, in addition to information relating to tourist attractions, or the participants’ speed and identification during a competition. Our expertise in Web GIS and GNSS, in addition to our high-performance equipment, all play a part in making your project successful for participants and visitors.

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Heritage Promotion

The importance of protecting Quebec’s heritage raises issues relating to the monitoring and conservation of buildings of interest. Using geomatics applications for geo-referencing historical city maps and plans provides better characterization, management and dissemination of built heritage. Our team can participate in building digitization and inspection through the use of sensors and drones. The precision of the data acquired in the field improves decision-making for the interventions to be implemented to ensure that heritage remains protected.

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